Meet IAS Harichandana, who left her London job to become an eco-warrior
October 11, 2024
Narayanpet: Children at Anganwadi schools being provided nutritious meals is an expected exercise, but food prepared from fresh vegetables cultivated in the backyards of these schools?
Yes, this is happening in several Anganwadi schools in Narayanpet district, thanks to the initiative taken by the district administration to develop ‘Poshana Vanams (Nurti-gardens) in the premises of these schools.
It all began as a small and novel step but it is now flourishing into a major initiative as these nutri-gardens are being nurtured in at least 50 Anganwadi schools in the district. Buoyed by the success of this experiment, the district administration plans to replicate the model in high schools as well, covering about 100 schools, Narayanpet Collector D Harichandana told Telangana Today.
Stating that at least a dozen different vegetables including spinach, lady’s finger, ridge gourd are raised in the nutri-gardens, she said the striking aspect of the exercise was that Anganwadi teachers and village green committees are maintaining these gardens.
“They have been maintaining these nutri-gardens for the past few months. More importantly, some of these vegetables are given to children aged less than six years, pregnant women and lactating mothers under home ration initiative,” she said.
Apart from providing fresh vegetables, the initiative is also aimed at making school children learn farming and take up plantations at their homes. Many Anganwadi schools in Eklaspur, Perepalla, Appampally, Marikal, Kosgi, Krishna and others are raising such nutri-gardens and reaping good benefits.
Impressed by the novel initiative, Advanta Seeds and Numhans Seeds are now collaborating with the district administration and training teachers and Anganwadi workers in setting up and maintaining such gardens, besides providing free seed. On the district administration front, District Women and Child Welfare Department, District Education Department and Agriculture Departments are also chipping in to make the initiative a bigger success by expanding it to as many schools as possible, Harichandana said.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.
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