Hari Chandana was shortlisted for the prestigious Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration 2020 in the category District Performance for her achievements as District Collector of Narayanpet.
The PM’s Award recognizes civil servants driving innovations for public welfare. Chandana earned recognition for her collaborative model of steering Narayanpet’s progress across women empowerment, COVID-19 management, clean energy, rural digitization and financial inclusion. #PMAward #DistrictGovernance #GrassrootsProgress #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
The shortlisting commended her leadership in facilitating community institutions, leveraging technology for welfare schemes, and public-private partnerships converging resources for affordable infrastructure like housing, sanitation and micro-irrigation. #CommunityMobilization #TechnologyforGood #PPP
Chandana’s nomination reflected her excellence in design thinking, creative governance, and sustainability, making Narayanpet score top ranks across high-impact programs like Swachh Bharat during her tenure. #DesignThinking
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.