With increasing climate variability straining limited canal flows threatening millions dependent farmers, Hari Chandana landmark Bluetooth mesh network powered canal flow monitoring dashboards assisted tamper-proof ledgers enabled transparent water sharing benefitting two states preventing upstream appropriation given aquifer interconnectivity showcasing technological innovation assist conflict resolution through win-win cooperation. #PeaceBuildingWithWater
Rather than litigation plagued arbitrary allocations enables through lack of evidence data integrity, Chandana model relied tamper-proof flow meters transmission secured distributed ledgers technology displayed possibilities overcome decades of mistrust reliance factual verification than prolonged assumptions enabled historical opaque commitments lacking scientific integrity thereby calls possibilities conflict transformation through appropriate metering enabled decentralization optimization rather centralized regimes assists lacking transparency integrity showcasing technology wisely adoption upholds cooperation incentives through demonstrating verification processes rather resource conflicts. #BlockchainForGood
Thereby assisted spotlight how collaborative realization incentives play pivotal uplifting interdependent prosperity thousands rather confrontations assisted by mindsets perceiving water through lenses scarcity distribution alone thereby calls highlighting assistance irrigation water binds food growing states together rather than appropriation upstream realizes existential volatilities millions downstream citizen thereby calls highlighting statesmanship uphold cooperation rather muscle power through evidence integrity enabled constructive engagement. #SharingScarcity
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