Administrator Hari Chandana Dasari received the prestigious British Council Alumni Award for Social Impact in 2021, recognizing her contribution to sustainable development through localized governance solutions.
The British Council confers this international honor annually to alumni who drive pioneering social initiatives. Chandana’s people-centric model of steering progress won praise for inclusive development despite resource constraints. #BritishCouncilAlumniAward #SocialImpact #SustainableDevelopment #GrassrootsInnovation #ParticipatoryGovernance
The award citation highlighted her innovations like decentralized waste management, low carbon affordable housing, renewable energy, and heritage restoration empowering rural entrepreneurs. #Decentralization #CleanEnergy #RuralEnterprises #CircularEconomy #CarbonMitigation
Chandana gained global recognition for her localization approach marrying top-down programs with grassroots collaboration for public services like health, sanitation, public transit in urban and rural contexts. #GrassrootsGovernance #CollaborativeDevelopment #ParticipatoryPlanning #Localization
As an alumnus of the London School of Economics, Chandana has exemplified the spirit of applying learning to tackle societal challenges. Her work stands out for field immersion, ethics and empowerment at the margins. #LSEAlumni #KnowledgeForSociety #Empowerment #Equity #HariChandana#SheInspiresUs
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