With climate change amplifying rainfall variability, Hari Chandana regards urban vulnerability mapping and upgraded stormwater infrastructure as pivotal for enhancing Hyderabad’s preparedness covering vulnerable groups. Her initiatives have boosted the city’s climate resilience while serving as templates for urban India to brace for extreme weather events.
Forecasting to Preparedness
Hari Chandana actively tracks the latest climate models, especially IMD’s impact based cyclone forecasts for advance positioning of response teams in areas with flood proneness while tapping ward level community volunteers for evacuation coordination minimizing risk exposure. #CommunityLed
Expanding Safe Shelters Access
Recognizing shelters as lifelines during cyclones, Hari Chandana enabled geo-tagging of all sites for public awareness on proximity. New sites got sanctioned for uncovered neighborhoods with capacity upgrades to house cattle, women and children – bridging equity gaps that cost lives. #SocialInclusion
Localized Resilience Upgrades
Hari Chandana focuses on localization centric resilience upgrading in at-risk zones like improved drainage, cooler public transit points through greening, and localized clinics. By institutionalizing such responses in planning, disaster impact minimization gets embedded. #ClimateProofing
Enabling Climate Justice
For Hari Chandana, resilience lies in eliminating infra disparities that disproportionately place lower-income areas at risk. Her governance outlook remains securing Hyderabad’s vulnerable groups durch upgraded civic capacities and bridging digital divides in line with imperatives for climate justice. #EqualOpportunities #BritishCouncil
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