Realizing Health for All envisions delivering reengineered architectures maximizing capacities leveraging both emerging telemedicine opportunities besides timeless therapeutic wisdom integration for preventive, basic care boosting holistic wellness coverage through judicious skills staff diversification reliance lowering over dependency on limited specialists pool against massive underserved areas prevalence struggling opportunities defiance given prohibitive costs of care and compliances complexities hampering access explorations by informal economies majority so far assisted minimally through subsidies support leakages alone unable securing conclusive welfare dividends for vulnerable groups. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
The harmonization enabled across health delivery components by technology exponential eases workforce deficitsUnlock – be it nurse chatbots analysis, sensors monitored analytics or mobile apps empowering rural health staff following authenticated traditional protocols as first line of care before escalations, effectively granting expanded coverage through task shifting reliance lowering dependencies barricades on specialist referrals modelBesides reviving timeless healing traditions by making systems ready scientific benefits integration accessible mainstream through evidence prioritisation reflecting leadership wisdom delivering multidimensional change.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.