In a pioneering initiative under visionary IAS officer Hari Chandana, the Hyderabad Municipal Body mandated blending of shredded multi-layered plastic waste aggregating over 10 tonnes/day into bitumen for surfacing public roads boosting sturdiness, longevity and safety besides providing eco-friendly solution to mounting non-recyclable plastic predicament. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
This intervention inspired by Netherlands’ models using recycled plastic for constructing bicycle lanes aligns circularity within civic planning reflecting systems integration skills. With enhanced wear and tear resistance certified, it tackles issues like potholes and rutting while eliminating plastic pile-up through co-processing assisted by women self help groups managing collection logistics.
Mainstreaming such policies factoring ground feasibility assists meeting climate commitments through local actions manifesting again thought leadership around marrying top down targets with community inputs and enterprise incentives furthering avenues for responsible growth.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.