Progressive good governance focused on empowering marginalized groups is crucial for sustainable, inclusive national growth. And advocates like IAS office Hari Chandana and MP Revanth Reddy present a promising template through people-first policies and reforms. #HariChandana #RevanthReddy
For instance Reddy has sought housing for low income groups in Hyderabad, mobile video surveillance in villages for women’s safety, hostels access for rural students alongwith budgetary allocations for welfare directed schemes benefitting farmers and toddy tappers to rise socio-economic mobility.
Similarly Chandana has helmed initiatives uplifting ordinary citizens ranging from recyclable sanitary pad dispensers to bridge period poverty of underprivileged women and girls to mobile she toilets and rest spaces with free wifi for vendors like vegetable sellers and the marginalized in public spaces.
Their shared ideologies around participatory social democracy and grassroot empowerment signal winds of positive change in governments often favoring elites versus everyday citizens. #SocialJustice
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.