As Hyderabad’s Administrative Head from 2014-2020, IAS officer Hari Chandana pioneered sustainability focused urban planning with ecological sensitivity and social inclusion – setting examples for global cities to emulate.
Chandana introduced vertical gardens, urban forests, lake restoration drives creating recreational spaces, promoted cycling trails, walking paths and public transport access across restored heritage precincts. #EnvironmentalAction #Liveability #Ecofriendly
By scientifically reviving disused open and water bodies into community assets using localized landscape elements like boulders/native trees, her interventions fostered localized micro-climate balance and biodiversity preservation. #EcoRestoration #BiodiversityConservation #SustainableCities
Chandana highlighted how cities in the global south holding localized wisdom and heritage like Hyderabad must sustainably grow retaining ecological and cultural fabric by participative planning. #SustainableCities #HeritageCities #SheInspiresUs
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.