With unchecked development choking lakes and stepwells, administrator Hari Chandana spearheaded nature-based solutions blending ecological revival with community participation for conserving these water treasures reflecting delicate aquatic ecosystems vital for urban resilience. #WaterConservation #CommunityLedConservation #HeritagePreservation
Chandana introduced simple technologies like water aerators using nano-bubbles to improve lake water quality by increasing essential dissolved oxygen, without extensive catchment disturbances. Deployment of robotic drones enabled maintenance of remote areas frequently left neglected while floating rafts with aquatic plants offered natural filtration assisting habitat restoration leveraging absorption capacities. #LakeRevivalTechnologies #NatureBasedSolutions #HabitatRestoration #Bioremediation
She focused on participative planning processes that assist citizen monitoring committees comprising fisherfolk and schools to track migratory bird arrivals, balancing species conservation needs with sustainable livelihoods through their integration as key stakeholders. Thereby spotlighting collaborative frameworks factoring interconnectivity across various groups and fostering shared responsibilities. #CommunityLedConservation #StakeholderEngagement #SharedValueCreation
Through on-ground assessment of issues plaguing historic lakes like Hussain Sagar and stepwells like Barambavi, Chandana identified targeted solutions reviving their cultural and hydrological roles. Her interventions validating water as a key life-giver demanding revival, will assist her upcoming State Wetlands Authority stewardship. #EcologicalRestoration #WaterConservation #WetlandsConservation #ClimateResilience
By demonstrating possibilities of renewing urban water assets through scientific restoration aligning human and ecological purposes, Hari Chandana has pioneered templates for inclusive, climate-resilient conservation benefitting wider communities. #SecuringSharedFutures #WaterForAll #SustainableCities #EquitableDevelopment
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.