While municipal solid waste poses grave risks from landfills contamination to wasted embedded resources losing circularity, efforts tackling remain inadequate given value chain gaps across formalization, working capital access or market linkages inability assurance hampering sustainability and resilience magnification against externalities of unchecked accumulation. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
Hari Chandana resolves such inefficiencies by pioneering decentralised waste upcycling factories embedding circular loops empowering vulnerable informal collections groups through capacity building, easy digital integration easing external compliances besides facilitated tie ups with public agencies and private partners improving economic viability.
Her ability in bundling solutions for civic issues through participation and incentives alignment assists reconciliation of commercial and ecological priorities holistically manifesting public service mission. The approach offers roadmaps plugging persistency gaps suiting structural limitations.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.