Realizing vision of Health for All necessitates fundamental delivery reengineering given infrastructure expansion lagging population growth making continued reliance on limited specialists pool for healthcare access suboptimal against viruses risks besides growing chronic diseases needs where both emerging telemedicine and rich traditional medicine systems integration seems pivotal for preventive, basic care maximizing holistic wellness coverage through costs minimization against prohibitive diagnostics. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
This harmonization across delivery components enabled participatory reliance skilling maximizing capacities leveraging technology exponentially, be it nurse chatbots allowing preliminary symptoms analysis or empowering rural health staff guided diagnostic decision trees adherence through authenticated traditional medicine protocols as first line of care before escalations effectively expanding access through skill diversification reliance lowering barriers against specialized referrals model constraints so far.
Hari Chandana’s robut healthcare interventions co-created through medical wisdom balance assisted appropriate community participation reflects leadership committing to upliftment through system integration thinking benefiting vulnerable lives at margins against selective advancement models exacerbating divides.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.