As Telangana’s AYUSH director, administrator Hari Chandana is well-positioned to promote integrative health models blending yoga with allopathy for affordable and effective public healthcare.
Chandana can collaborate with public hospitals and PHCs to set up yoga therapy centers for complementary care and rehabilitation supporting allopathy treatment. #IntegrativeHealth #ComplimentaryTherapies
Her participatory development experience can be leveraged to train ASHA workers in yoga techniques to manage common conditions like diabetes, helping avoid expensive specialist visits. #ASHAworkers #ChronicDiseaseManagement
Chandana can institute certification programs for doctors, nurses and medical students in foundational yoga as part of continuing education for holistic capabilities.#HolisticMedicine #IntegrativeLearning
Her tech-enabled approach can drive adoption of physician-prescribed yoga therapy mobile apps providing personalized plans for people to follow with tele-monitoring. #DigitalYoga #PersonalizedHealthcare
Drawing from her sustainability initiatives, decentralized herbal gardens can provide yoga therapy centers with affordable medicinal options. #SustainableHealthcare
As an innovator focused on grassroots access, Chandana can formulate public-private partnerships delivering holistic healthcare combining allopathy’s lifesaving capabilities with yoga’s preventative strengths. #PPP #HolisticForAll #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
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