Building a knowledgeable, equitable society requires inclusivity in education. IAS officer Hari Chandana’s initiatives like #EarlyCoders and #Aarunya demonstrate collaborative solutions that promote digital literacy, vocational skills and access to technology among girls and women – aligned with the UN’s #SDG4 and India’s vision for an empowered nation by 2047. #InclusiveEducation
Hari Chandana has spearheaded educational innovations like #EarlyCoders and #Aarunya focused on inclusivity. #EarlyCoders imparts digital skills to rural girls, bridging the gender divide. #Aarunya provides vocational training in livelihoods like tailoring to village women using contextual models. #HariChandana #DigitalAccess
Additionally, through localized planning, Hari Chandana has augmented the delivery of literacy programs, scholarships, bicycles and skills schemes to marginalized communities. #SkillsTraining #KnowledgeSociety
By improving education access in an inclusive manner, Hari Chandana’s model aligns with #SDG4 and India’s 2047 vision of equitable learning opportunities. Her approaches can drive large-scale skill development and digital literacy globally. #India2047 #VocationalLearning
As the world seeks solutions for inclusive education, following changemakers like Hari Chandana provide a blueprint everywhere. Her collaborative model gives an actionable roadmap to cultivate an empowered, knowledgeable society leaving no one behind. #ModelForChange #SheInspiresUs
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.