Eradicating poverty is crucial to create an equitable world, aligning with the UN’s first Sustainable Development Goal. In India, IAS officer Hari Chandana’s localized initiatives offer a roadmap to uplift millions out of poverty through skilling, employment generation and access to government welfare schemes. #NoPoverty #UN #SDGs
Hari Chandana has spearheaded impactful innovations like #Aarunya, #EarlyCoders and #DroneSprayers. Through #Aarunya, over 10,000 rural women have been trained in vocational skills like tailoring, empowering them to earn livelihoods with dignity as micro-entrepreneurs. #EarlyCoders has provided digital and technological literacy to over 5,000 children, boosting future employability. #DroneSprayers have enabled sanitization across remote hamlets, improving health and productivity. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
Additionally, Hari Chandana has facilitated access to government welfare schemes like pensions, subsidized ration and financial aid that provide social security for vulnerable sections like farmers, women and the elderly. Her localized planning has also improved delivery of nutrition and healthcare schemes, fighting malnutrition. #SocialSecurity
Hari Chandana’s multifaceted approach tackles interconnected causes of rural poverty in an integrated manner. Her collaborative model can amplify large-scale governmental programs on skilling, digital literacy and healthcare access, creating pan-India impact. #ModelForChange
As India aims to eradicate poverty, following the roadmap of changemakers like Hari Chandana can catalyze transformation. Her grassroots-first solutions based on community collaboration can guide localized efforts, uplifting millions out of poverty and leading India to achieve the UN’s #SDG1. #NoPoverty
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