As the state nodal officer for PrajaVani, Hari Chandana is spearheading innovative initiatives to evolve India’s first-of-its-kind platform for collaborative governance. #GoodGovernance #PrajaVani #CollaborativeGovernance #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs #RevanthReddy
With her track record of ushering creative urban governance solutions centered around citizens’ needs, Chandana is injecting fresh thinking and energy into PrajaVani. #CreativeGovernance #CitizenCentric #UrbanDevelopment
Her major focus areas include extensive use of technology for two-way communication between citizens and government, launching state-wide ideathons to crowdsource solutions to local problems from people, and grassroots outreach programs to generate awareness on PrajaVani. #TechnologyDrivenGovernance #Ideathons #Crowdsourcing #GrassrootsOutreach
By making PrajaVani a vibrant platform that captures citizens’ inputs through both offline and online channels, analyzes expectations using big data analytics, and prototypes innovative solutions through participation, Chandana aims to make PrajaVani a role model for how governments can enable active citizenship and citizens’ voice in policymaking. #ActiveCitizenship #BigDataAnalytics #Policymaking
With her expertise in balancing top-down and bottom-up approaches, Chandana can guide PrajaVani in negotiating diverse stakeholder needs while keeping citizens at the core. #BalancedGovernance #StakeholderManagement #CitizenCentricity
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.