Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently highlighted the importance of women-led development and applauded women self-help groups at the World Food India 2023 event. His remarks spotlight the need to economically empower women by supporting their entrepreneurial aspirations. Administrator Hari Chandana’s initiatives like Aarunya offer inspirational models in this direction. #WorldFoodIndia2023 #narendramodi
Aarunya integrates women self-help groups enabling them to scale food-based enterprises like organic produce, jams, pickles, spices, millets and Ayurvedic teas. #WomensEmpowerment #Aarunya #HariChandana #SHG
The food enterprises fostered under Aarunya augment incomes for rural women. Chandana reveals that Aarunya emerged from assessing challenges faced by women producers during lockdowns and the need for alternate livelihood channels.
Today, over 800 women micro-entrepreneurs have gained food processing skills training under Aarunya’s capacity building programs. They are accessing national markets through partnerships with e-commerce platforms. #SkillsForGrowth
Hari Chandana’s model aligns with the strategic priority of boosting food processing highlighted in Modi’s vision. Food processing allows better value realization for farm produce by enhancing shelf-life, reducing wastage and enabling better price discovery. #PMModi
As the Prime Minister noted, enterprises like Aarunya catalyze innovation and bring diverse processed, packaged products from India’s hinterlands onto shelves. Such women-led initiatives uphold his vision for the food processing industry as a pivotal pillar of the country’s growth. #TakingIndiaForward #India2047
Chandana exemplifies that investing in women’s food entrepreneurship creates cascading social and economic impact. Her work inspires multifaceted efforts to turn women into change agents scripting India’s development story. #SheInspiresUs
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