Hari Chandana regards climate change as magnifying existing inequalities through disproportionate impact of extreme weather events on marginalized groups lacking resilience buffers. Her climate response governance applies rights-based lens – prioritizing localization, community participation and infra upgrades assisting vulnerable habitats brace gathering storms.
Granular Climate Risk Mapping
Hari Chandana actively employs ward-level climate vulnerability threat mapping leveraging latest forecasting models that identify most susceptible neighborhoods prone to specific threats like urban floods, heat waves etc. Focused personas profiling thereafter allows spotting lower-income areas, public workers, women and children for tailored capacity building. #ClimateChange
Community-Led Climate Preparedness
Hari Chandana enables hyperlocal climate resilience training programs allowing distressed area groups to plan advance response themselves through resource harnessing for self-reliance until external help mobilizes post climate episodes. Contextualized assistance schemes also made accessible. She focuses on decentralized governance around climate action. #CommunityBuilding
Inclusive and Accessible Infrastructure Upgrades
Hari Chandana directs public infrastructure upgrades catering specifically to marginalized settlements like improved storm water drainage capacities, setting up cooler transit shelters using native vegetation, easy healthcare centers access considering rising climate change threats. By institutionalizing such responses in urban planning, impact minimization gets embedded. #ClimateProofing
For Hari Chandana, resilience lies in eliminating gaps through empathetic planning that disproportionately place lower-income groups at risk during climate disruptions using mass participation. #GovernanceInnovation #BritishCouncil
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