Committed towards strengthening decentralized participation cascading bottom-up inputs assisting priority planning boosting last-mile schemes efficiency through hyperlocal factors cognizance, administrator Hari Chanda conceptualized governance templates like “Palle Pragati” app integrating seven high impact welfare verticals module wise performance tracking assisted color coding detecting gaps or delays for evidence policy helping program officers calibration assisted community inputs transparency minimizing exclusion errors hallmarking effective milestones translation. #HariChandana #SheInspiresUs
Similarly, integrating urban sanitation models like Internet of Things sensors enabled automatic faecal sludge management through networked modular toilets with choking alerts relying on centralized dashboards assists responsiveness boost tackling health risks along with opportunities plugins integration like recycled water channels expanding green cover, biogas units or R&D tapping showing possibilities synergizing with startups overcoming legacy inefficiencies through system integration skills.
No matter how big or small an idea may seem, every idea that helps our nation develop matters.